Friday, March 16, 2012


Back in January I did a cheese party. I found the original idea from the website and loved it. My sis. in-law wanted to do an ugly sweater contest for Christmas but we could just never get it together. So when I saw the Cheese Party I thought..we could wear cheesy sweaters! I thought that was such a great idea...then I read further in the post and saw that they did that too. Ok, so not original but still a good idea. So I sent out a cheesy invitation, had everybody bring a cheese to eat and wear their cheesy sweaters. We had cheese pizza, cheese cubes, mozarella sticks, cheese sticks, brie, swiss cheese wheel and nacho cheese dip. And don't forget all the stuff you need to eat cheese with, crackers, fruit, chips and bread! I printed out the Jeopardeese game from the website and we played that. I had a cheese grater as the prize for the "Gratest Sweater" and it is a trophy that will be passed every year to the next champion. I tried to find some of those yummy cheese balls from my childhood for the winner of the Jeopardeese game as the "Cheese Ball" award, but since I couldn't find them I had to just settle for regular Cheetos. I had the kids play the "Cheese Touch" game from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. All I did {well my sis. in-law made the cheese for me} but we just made a piece of cheese out of paper that looked like it was mold and had hair on it and then we slapped it on the back of one of the kids. They had to be very secretive and not say who had it on their back. If you discovered that it was on you then you had to secretly put it on someone else's back and so on and so forth. If you told someone that they had it on their back then you had to "eat" the cheese and forever have the curse of the "Cheese Touch!" The kids loved it! I also had some photo-props to take silly pictures with. I had mustaches, lips, feather boas, funny hats and all sorts of things. I think everybody had a great time. As soon as I clean up my hard drive and make some room for the thousands of pics I have on my camera I will post some fun pics!