Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Corner of the World

Hello Everyone and welcome to Fibbermigee!! I'm not a very creative or crafty person, so when I do actually do something creative or crafty I like to show it off. I'm like a proud mother when it comes to things like that. The times that I actually get to be proud of anything I do is few and far between, but it's an opportunity nonetheless!
I have this idea when I clean my house and it's "one corner at a time. I finish up one corner and move on to the next." I have applied this to my life as well. I try not to overwhelm myself with things and just take it one corner at a time. I have spiritual corners, physical corners, emotional corners, children corners, etc. I wanted to keep all of these ideas separate from my family blog as I like to print those off and put in a scrapbook. I don't want all these pictures of unfinished projects in my family photo album. Thus, this blog was born. This will be my journal about life issues and things going on, proud moments, and finished projects. Then I can choose to print it off later or just keep it floating out in blogosphere! I don't expect people to read this at all but I did want to have a place where I could document things and get it off my mind...and move on to the next corner!