Thursday, September 1, 2011

Movie Trays

I saw this idea online a while back and totally loved it! We love to watch movies at our house and go to movies. Sunday nights we have a tradition of movie night. We take turns selecting a movie and have a coordinating treat. For example, if we watch Willy Wonka then we would have a chocolate treat. The last movie we watched was The Apple Dumpling Gang and I made apple crisp. Sometimes we just like to make homemade poppies! It's hard at the theaters to make sure that everyone has their popcorn and drinks and candy and keep them from spilling all over the place. So when I saw this idea I knew it was the perfect solution for me and so dang easy!
So, you take a box from your canned goods, you know, the ones you take home from the caselot sales? You can even just ask the grocery stores if you can have some of their empty ones if you want.

Then, if you want, you spraypaint the inside and sides of it white. This just hides the circles from the cans. You could do scrapbook paper or I even thought of using just wrapping paper.

Then you decorate the outside of the box. In the original idea she used scrapbook paper. I DO NOT have the patience or the time to measure and cut strips. This is another time I thought of just using wrapping paper. But, then the idea light turned on and I thought of the decorative duct tape. So I went to Walmart...slim pickins but I found two that worked well for my kids. The width of the tape is so perfect! So, I taped around the edges and folded the excess underneath the box and voila!

I purchased some cute popcorn holders from the Target dollar spot and the dollar store. Now when we have movie night each of the kids have their little movie tray and when we go to the theater we bring our trays. No more putting handfuls of popcorn on napkins and having them spill all over the floor. The kids think they are so cool with these trays! And I am quite proud of them too!

**Link to the original idea. This blog has so many stinkin cute ideas! She's one of my favorites!